Robert Bacon
Tom Hanks Solves a Mystery
Welcome to Cut Up, a video series where I talk about specific scenes in movies and cut them up or make fun of Tom Hanks hair.
This time we’re talking about the Robert Langdon trilogy of The Da Vinci Code, Angles & Demons, and Inferno based on a book series written by Dan Brown.
In the films Robert Langdon is played by Tom Hanks who is accompanied by a different set of love interests and hair cuts in every film.
Full disclosure I’ve never read the books so we’re only going to be talking about the movies here. The movies seem to follow a simple formula. Go to new location, find out just enough information to know where to head to next, the police or the bad guys surround the building, tom hanks and love interest magically get away, and repeat.
The only thing that really changes from movie to movie, besides the hair, is the way the audience is presented the clues that Tom Hanks sees. So I’ve compiled some of the clue collecting scenes from The Da Vinci Code, Angles & Demons, and Inferno and we’re going to see how this series evolved with its clue showing. See the video above.
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Meet The Blogger
Bacon is a SAG-AFTRA actor and comedian who lives in Chicago, IL. He performs improv regularly around the city and hosts the podcast Adam Sandler Please Stop.
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