I’ve Got The Hippy Shakes
Rod Blagojevich: Welcome home; the only words we want to hear from you are “I’m Sorry”

Rod Blagojevich is a free man. His prison sentence has been commuted by Donald Trump. He’s back in Chicago, home with his family.
The last twenty-four hours has been a circus. All that’s been missing are the clowns.
In the last day, we’ve been overwhelmed with scenes of Rod signing autographs, shaking hands with everyone in sight and a helicopter following the road trip to his home as if he was O.J. Simpson. Ronnie “Woo Woo” Vickers was at today’s press conference. “Rod Woo” “Patti Woo” “Amy Woo” “Annie Woo”!!! I guess the clowns weren’t missing.
Then we were subjected to his proclamation that he’s now a “freed political prisoner.”
Enough Rod…ENOUGH!!!
I always thought that the sentencing for Blagojevich was too much. I felt five to eight years was appropriate. I’m okay with him being out after seven. But Rod, there’s no way you were a victim of anything except your own greed. You tried to sell a Senate seat! Pure greed. You tried to shake down a children’s hospital for donations. A CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL!! Pure greed and pure evil. You brought shame on yourself, your family and the people of Illinois, who put their trust in you..TWICE!!!
Rod, you said you didn’t let us down. Umm…dude…you absolutely let us down…big time! But most of us are compassionate people. We are forgiving. All we want to hear are these two words…I’m sorry. I’m not asking for much. Sadly, I’m almost positive we’ll never get it.
So Rod, welcome home. I’m happy for you and Patti, but more for your daughters Amy and Annie. It’s nice to see a family reunited and happy. Have a good life. Here’s to that and to never hearing anything from you ever again.
Related Post: Is there double jeopardy for impeachment?
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Rod Blagojevich
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