Spiritual and Physical Wellness
I admire people who are resilient. They seem to be the type of people that will not let anything stop them from reaching a goal or succeeding in life. There is a young man that attended the gym I went to who had a leg amputated. That did not stop him for working out. He even did the stair climber wearing his prosthetic.
The definition of resilient in Merriam-Webster is: tending to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change; able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions. I like that definition. Being resilient can help you maintain a good space mentally. Being resilient is a coping mechanism. Lacking resilience may cause you to feel overwhelmed and anxious.
I do not believe that being resilient is in our DNA. Yes, some people may have had an upbringing where they were around people who encouraged them in a way that made them resilient. However, you can control your destiny and decide that you will be resilient. Most of us have challenges in life. A resilient person says that they will get through the situation and make any necessary adjustments.
How do we become more resilient? First start in your mind. Do not focus on the worst case scenario. Try to have a positive image of the future. See things getting better. Have confidence in your abilities and gifts. Resilient people have faith that they will succeed in spite of the circumstances they face. Do not blame yourself and think about what you should have done differently. Build strong relationships with people who will encourage you. I believe having a relationship with God will help you be resilient. Personally knowing that the Creator of the Universe is looking out for me helps me to deal with uncomfortable situations.
Please do not get discouraged or lose hope. Tell yourself that you can get through any bad situation.
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Meet The Blogger
Sheri McIntosh
I have been interested in preventive medicine since my childhood. In the 70s, my aunt would take me with her to meet with a doctor who emphasized preventive medicine. A lot of the things that doctor discussed then has become standard today.
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