Public Affairs with Jeff Berkowitz
Part 1 of GOP GOV primary candidate Darren Bailey airing this weekend on Cable & Web and Part 2 will be posted here this afternoon

Watch this morning’s “Public Affairs,” with show host Jeff Berkowitz interviewing soon to be GOP GOV Primary Candidate, downstate farmer and Senator Darren Bailey (R-Louisville) about cutting property taxes, spending and IL government pension benefits; starting real reforms to help business and employment; and attracting jobs to IL.
Part 2 of the Bailey interview will be posted this afternoon or early evening at this blog or here
The Senator said in Part 1 of this two part series that he is 50% likely to run for Governor but it seems almost certain to this show host that Sen. Bailey will officially announce his gubernatorial candidacy at a scheduled Effingham rally this Monday.
You give us 30 minutes and GOP Gov candidate and Senator Bailey gives you a roadmap to making IL: financially solvent again, a resurgent and open economy with real, vibrant and safe workplaces again and infusing all schools with safe in-person teaching and learning again– and a state that is alive and joyful again.
This weekend’s shows (Bailey, part 1) airs thorough-out Chicago as the lead segment of a two hour Illinois Channel package:
–In Chicago, this morning, 9:02 am, Cable Ch. 21 (CAN TV) and
–In Chicago, tomorrow morning, 8:32 am, Cable Ch 19 (CAN TV). [Opposite Flannery on Fire]
The show, Part 1, featuring soon to be GOP GOV primary candidate Darren Bailey also airs this week in Highland Park on Monday and Wednesday nights at 8:30 pm on Cable Ch. 19.
State Senator Darren Bailey to join the 2022 IL GOP Gov race:
Taped February 10, 2021
Executive Summary, Part 1: Jeff Berkowitz goes one-on-one with Sen. Darren Bailey, likely Republican candidate for Governor of Illinois, on his background and bold proposals to cut property taxes, change the IL Constitution to allow a reduction in pension benefits and work to restore Illinois to financial stability and responsive State Government.
This video is Part 1 of Jeff Berkowitz’s Public Affairs’ interview with one of four likely 2022 IL GOP GOV Candidates- State Senator and farmer Darren Bailey.
You can watch the two-part interviews with two of the other GOV candidates by clicking the following links with GOP GOV primary candidates likely to join Paul Schimpf (R-Waterloo) and Sen. Bailey (R-Louisville) in the March, 2022 race: ditchdigger CEO Gary Rabine, part 1 & part 2 & legal plummer Richard Porter, part 1 and part 2
Our discussion with Sen. and soon to be GOP Gov Primary candidate Bailey, who farms 12,000 acres in downstate, Louisville, IL, focuses on, but is not exclusive to, the topics, listed below:
(1) IL and its Cities’ $420 billion unfunded pension liabilities,
(2) the highest in the nation (and growing) IL property taxes and
(3) major loss of population & jobs (250K people over the last decade)
(4) Inattentive and incompetent IL Governance:
(5) Amending IL’s Constitution to permit Government employee pension benefit cuts: “We have to do that,” said likely Gov Candidate Bailey, saying he agrees w/Wirepoints’ proposal to “cut,” our current, state government automatic 3% annual COLAs to a 1 % or 0% increase, depending on the annual pension levels- and he agrees with some of the other Wirepoints pension reform proposals.
(6) Bringing the State Government pension and taxpayer stakeholders to the table, after Bailey is elected, to discuss the full range of pension reforms and their implementation
(7) IL and City filings for bankruptcy
(8) Zero based budgeting and
(9) tort reform:
Part 2 of our interview with GOP GOV Candidate Bailey on February 10, 2021 will air around the State during this coming week of Feb 22, 2021 and will be posted this afternoon at this blog or here
You can learn more about Sen. Bailey, whose downstate IL Sen. District is a 3 ½ hour drive southeast of Chicago, by using or connecting with the below social media handles:
Facebook: BaileyforIllinois
Instagram: Baileyforil55
Twitter: @DarrenBaileyIL
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