More madness from Mary

I suppose it’s somewhat reassuring to know people still get outraged by the MAGA madness Mary Miller spews.

That we all haven’t gone numb to her lunacy—even though she seems to be saying crazy things all the time.

In case you forgot, Mary Miller is the downstate congresswoman who made her name last year by declaring: “Hitler was right.”

You’d think such a comment might turn off voters—even Republican ones.

Nope. Miller trounced her opponent—Congressman Rodney Davis—in last month’s Republican primary. That makes her pretty much a shoo-in to be reelected in November.

Miller trounced Davis thanks to Donald Trump—speaking of MAGA madness—who endorsed her at a downstate rally just a few days before the election.

“She’s somebody I’ve gotten to know,” said Trump at the rally. “She’s been all for me, all the way. You have to remember that. And she’s just a very good person and a very MAGA person.”

That was all MAGA had to hear. Roughly 58 percent of Republicans voted for Miller—they’d probably jump off a cliff if that’s what Trump commanded.

In many ways, Trump was returning a favor with his endorsement since Miller made an appearance at a rally for Trump on January 5 in Washington. That’s the day before the infamous Capitol insurrection which we now realize was an attempted coup, hatched by Trump, to pressure Vice President Mike Pence into overturning the election of Joe Biden by the voters of the United States.

Something, people, I hope we never get numb to.

It was at that January 5 rally where Miller made her observation about Hitler. Which, in its entirety, went like this . . .

“Each generation has the responsibility to teach and train the next generation. You know, if we win a few elections, we’re still going to be losing, unless we win the hearts and minds of our children. This is the battle. Hitler was right on one thing: He said, ‘Whoever has the youth, has the future.’ Our children are being propagandized.”

It took her a while to apologize. First she used the notoriety gained by the comment as an opportunity to blast “left-wing radicals in our country today.”

Eventually, she offered an “apology” in which she admitted that while it’s wrong to say “Hitler was right”, her main point was that, well, you know—Hitler was right.

In this case, she, like Hitler, thinks it’s a good idea to brainwash impressionable young people with propaganda so they’ll be under your command forever. Sort of like Illinois Republicans with Trump.

At the recent rally, Miller thanked Trump for his three Supreme Court appointees who tag teamed with three other justices to eviscerate abortion rights in America.

Or as Miller put it: “President Trump, on behalf of all the MAGA patriots in America, I want to thank you for the historic victory for white life in the Supreme Court yesterday.”

Her “white life” line set off another brouhaha. It echoed MAGA replacement theory, which holds that one of the main problems with abortion is that it allows white women to end their pregnancies. Thus depriving the country of the white babies it needs to keep white people as the majority race in the country.

A position, come to think of it, that would fit in quite well back in the Germany of you-know-who.

After non-MAGA Americans recoiled, Miller’s press secretary issued a clarification. It was “a mix-up of words.” And Miller meant to say “victory for right to life” as opposed to “victory for white life.”

If you say so, Congresswoman Miller.

Also receiving Trump’s blessing at that rally was state senator Darren Bailey, who went on to crush his opponents in the Republican primary, winning the right to run against Governor Pritzker in November.

I’ve been telling people about Bailey since he made a name for himself back in the early days of the pandemic, declaring his right to infect his colleagues in the General Assembly with COVID-19 by not wearing a mask.

Bailey is as far to the right as Miller—though he’s so far refrained from saying “Hitler was right.”

Bailey did have to apologize for comments he made after a deranged 21-year-old man climbed up on a roof and, armed with an automatic rifle, started shooting people at the Highland Park Fourth of July parade, killing seven people and wounding 30 others.

Bailey’s initial comment, made soon after the shooting, when the shooter was still at large, went like this: “Let’s pray for justice to prevail, and then let’s move on and let’s celebrate—celebrate the independence of this nation.” 

When voters expressed outrage over Bailey’s insensitivity to the people who had just been killed, he apologized. And then, true to form, tried to blame everything on Pritzker. 

I point all of this out to remind you that Bailey, like Miller, are MAGA to the core. As such, they’re first allegiance remains to Donald Trump.

They have no solutions for the problems this country faces. They either deny those problems exist, or try to exploit them with hate.

In the matter of guns, Bailey’s position is that guns are not a problem and we need no laws to control their spread—even as the carnage continues.

It’s been over five years since Trump went on the Bill O’Reilly show and said: “I got to meet a couple of very top police [in Chicago]. I said, ‘How do you stop [the shootings]? How do you stop this? If you were put in charge—to a specific person—do you think you could stop it?’ He said, ‘Mr. Trump, I’d be able to stop it in one week.’ And I believed him 100 percent.” 

Listening to Trump’s comments on the O’Reilly show reminds me of Harvey, the movie where the Jimmy Stewart character has an invisible friend who’s a giant rabbit.

The notion of Trump having make-believe conversations with his make-believe police friends in Chicago might be funny, if the times weren’t so tragic and the stakes so high.

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The fight for the future

Congresswoman Mary Miller’s apology is almost as bad as her original “Hitler was right” remark.

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