Lupus made me a walking pharmacy

Lupus made me a walking pharmacy

Lupus is an autoimmune disease where the immune system gets confused, attacking its own tissues. With that being said, lupus may cause damage or potential damage to internal and external organ systems.

I was officially diagnosed with lupus in 1999 but prior to my diagnosis I suffered from so many other ailments. I had mixed connective tissue disease and thrombocytopenia (a bleeding disorder) and I was constantly in and out of the hospital due to flares in my condition.

I needed blood and plasma transfusions each time I was hospitalized not to mention the tedious medication regimen I was on. I became a walking pharmacy as I still am until this day.

I’m longing for the day when there’s a cure for lupus or at least one pill that would do the trick for controlling the symptoms. At least I would get back to some kind of normal.

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Sabrina Nixon

I’m an author and playwright of urban fiction, a mom of two boys with autism, and have lupus. I lived my formative years in the Cabrini-Green Housing Projects. I have an article about my thoughts of the demise of Cabrini-Green on Page Four of the Chicago RedEye titled “Eyesore yes, but public housing was our home” (April 2010) and a lupus article titled “Butterfly is more than some ink on my leg” (May 2010).

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