Art critic Lori Waxman wants to support your artists visaon February 18, 2020 at 9:30 pm

Among the matches burning in the dumpster fire of U.S. immigration is the system of chutes and ladders facing foreign artists. To make a long, very complicated story short: Overseas artists who want to stay in the U.S. without obtaining a U.S. spouse– or those who’ve already married another foreign national–must apply every three years for an artists visa. This is also known as the O1B: Individuals with Extraordinary Ability or Achievement.


As they check off the long list of qualifications that comprise such an application, the artist must present press coverage of their work. You know, art criticism, a thriving field with abounding coverage.


That’s where badass art critic and historian Lori Waxman wants to step in. An internationally renowned critic with a regular byline in the Tribune, Waxman is currently bringing her 60 wrd/min project to artists in need of this press–live and free of charge. Waxman spends 25 minutes looking at submitted work and writes a 200-word review. As a former student and number one Lori Waxman Superfan, I can attest that her writing is nothing short of face-meltingly insightful. This is truly a gift to Chicago’s artistic community.

While the initiative launched on February 1, artists can still schedule appointments for the 22nd, with completed reviews published in the April issue of Lumpen. For more information, visit To schedule an appointment, email [email protected]. v

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