5 Ways to Reduce Water Waste at Your Company

5 Ways to Reduce Water Waste at Your Company

Whether you know it or not, your business wastes a lot of water. Worldwide, industry is responsible for almost 20% of water use. Their water withdrawal has also grown exponentially between 1950 and the last decade. Because of this and changing climates, droughts have become much more common. To both conserve water and lessen carelessness, companies should learn how to improve their habits.

How can you start creating better practices for conservation? Here are five ways your company can reduce water waste.

1. Water Audits

The first two months of 2022 were the driest in California’s recorded history. Citizens of the state are already anticipating restrictions on how much water they can use. To help fight this problem, they and states everywhere can start receiving regular audits on their buildings to see how much water they waste. 

Faucets and toilets that operate automatically can help save by only running when absolutely necessary. Anything low-flow can also cut water use by 30%. Catching leaks can save about 3,000 gallons of water in a year. If your company wants to conserve water, start with an audit to maximize efficiency.

2. Water-bill Tracking

Whether you’ve never had a pipe problem or have experienced a leak before, keeping an eye on your water bill can show how much water you’re wasting. If you have a good idea of how much you spend on average, you’ll be able to notice any anomalies on your bill. Did this month’s price seem oddly higher than others? Check your pipes to see if there are any issues. Even small drips can turn into significant problems.

Call a plumber as soon as you notice something wrong with your pipes. They can get things fixed before something costly happens. In addition to saving you money on utilities, pipe maintenance can also reduce your chances of flooding and mold.

3. Better Car Wash Practices

Plenty of companies have their own vehicles required for daily operations. Keeping these in top shape can help promote business while on the road. To keep those cars clean in a more environmentally conscious way, take up better car-wash practices. If you wash them on-site, you could use these water-saving ideas to keep your vehicles clean:

Using pressure washersFinding waterless car cleanersGetting automatic shut-off nozzlesGoing back to the bucket and towel

For companies that clean their cars off-site, ask the car wash you use how they conserve water. Do they find ways to recycle or reuse? It may also interest you to hear about the eco-friendly soaps they use. Whichever way you maintain your vehicles, there are ways to do so while saving water.

4. Water Management Tips

Encourage employees to conserve water by sharing tips and creating plans. It may be beneficial to hold a meeting or seminar to discuss the best ways to reduce water waste. You could talk to them about smart water bottles that can tell you how much water you need, promoting better lifestyle choices. Tell them any water they’re planning to dump out could instead water plants around the building. If your break room has a dishwasher, ask that they only run it once the machine is full.

Obviously, employees are going to use the most water. They’re the ones who are occupying the space the water is for. However, you can still ask them to use less and conserve more. Think about making it a goal to cut water usage and incentivize it with rewards.

5. Moisture Sensors for Landscaping

Many companies rely on timed sprinkler systems to water their grass and plants. While it’s more reliable than rain, it can also be unnecessary. Americans waste around 50% of outdoor water because of poor watering techniques. To reduce this number, consider installing sensors that measure moisture. Instead of relying on a timer, these sprinklers will only use water when it’s necessary.

Additionally, if you’re re-doing some of your landscaping, you could use more drought-resistant plants. These will rarely need water while providing the same effects as other foliage. You could also use a rain barrel to gather water and use it to nourish any indoor plants.

Reduce Water Waste at Your Company

Conserving water means helping out the planet and spending less on utility bills. While the world is facing freshwater shortages, companies need to find ways to reuse and reduce how much they use. Use these tips to reduce your company’s water waste.

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